@book{ Alex2017aa, Title = {{Proceedings of the Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature}}, Address = { Vancouver, Canada }, Editor = { Beatrice Alex and Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb and Anna Feldman and Anna Kazantseva and Nils Reiter and Stan Szpakowicz }, Publisher = { Association for Computational Linguistics }, Url = { http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W17-22 }, Month = { August }, Doi = { 10.18653/v1/W17-22 }, Year = { 2017 } } @inproceedings{ Andresen2022aa, Title = {{Nathan nicht ihr Vater? – Wissensvermittlungen im Drama annotieren}}, Address = { Potsdam, Germany }, Author = { Melanie Andresen and Benjamin Krautter and Janis Pagel and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Book of Abstracts of DHd}}, Month = { March }, Doi = { 10.5281/zenodo.6327912 }, Year = { 2022 } } @article{ Andresen2022ab, Title = {{Who Knows What in German Drama? A Composite Annotation Scheme for Knowledge Transfer - Annotation, Evaluation, and Analysis}}, Author = { Melanie Andresen and Benjamin Krautter and Janis Pagel and Nils Reiter }, Journal = { Journal of Computational Literary Studies }, Volume = { 1 }, Number = { 1 }, Month = { December }, Doi = { 10.48694/jcls.107 }, Year = { 2022 } } @article{ Andresen2024aa, Title = {{Knowledge Distribution in German Drama}}, Author = { Melanie Andresen and Benjamin Krautter and Janis Pagel and Nils Reiter }, Journal = { Journal of Open Humanities Data }, Volume = { 10 }, Number = { 1 }, Month = { January }, Doi = { 10.5334/johd.167 }, Year = { 2024 } } @book{ Andresen2024ab, Title = {{Computational Drama Analysis. Reflecting on Methods and Interpretations}}, Editor = { Melanie Andresen and Nils Reiter }, Publisher = { De Gruyter }, Doi = { 10.1515/9783111071824 }, Year = { 2024 } } @inproceedings{ Beck2018aa, Title = {{Was Lesende denken: Assoziationen zu Büchern in Sozialen Medien}}, Address = { Cologne, Germany }, Author = { Jens Beck and Marcus Willand and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Book of Abstracts of DHd 2018}}, Month = { February }, Year = { 2018 } } @inproceedings{ Blessing2016aa, Title = {{Dramenwerkbank. Automatische Sprachverarbeitung zur Analyse von Figurenrede}}, Address = { Leipzig, Germany }, Author = { Andre Blessing and Peggy Bockwinkel and Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand }, Booktitle = {{Book of Abstracts of DHd}}, Month = { March }, Year = { 2016 } } @inproceedings{ Blessing2017aa, Title = {{An End-to-end Environment for Research Question-Driven Entity Extraction and Network Analysis}}, Address = { Vancouver, Canada }, Author = { Andre Blessing and Nora Echelmeyer and Markus John and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature}}, Pages = { 57-67 }, Publisher = { Association for Computational Linguistics }, Url = { http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W/W17/W17-2208 }, Month = { August }, Doi = { 10.18653/v1/W17-2208 }, Year = { 2017 } } @incollection{ Braun2017aa, Title = {{Sangsprüche auf Wörterwolken oder: Vorläufige Versuche zur Verbindung quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden bei der Erforschung mittelhochdeutscher Lyrik}}, Address = { Wiesbaden, Germany }, Author = { Manuel Braun and Nils Reiter }, Editor = { Horst Brunner and Freimut Löser and Janina Franzke }, Booktitle = {{Sangspruchdichtung zwischen Reinmar von Zweter, Oswald von Wolkenstein und Michel Beheim}}, Pages = { 5-20 }, Volume = { 21 }, Publisher = { Reichert Verlag }, Series = { Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein-Gesellschaft }, Isbn = { 978-3-95490-204-0 }, Month = { April }, Year = { 2017 } } @article{ Braun2018aa, Title = {{Prologe statistisch. Zur Ergänzung qualitativer Zugänge zur Poetologie der mittelhochdeutschen Literatur durch quantitative Analysen}}, Address = { Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany }, Author = { Manuel Braun and Nils Reiter }, Pages = { 83-103 }, Journal = { Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik }, Volume = { 48 }, Publisher = { Springer }, Number = { 1 }, Month = { January }, Doi = { 10.1007/s41244-017-0081-3 }, Year = { 2018 } } @inproceedings{ Brookshire2024aa, Title = {{Modeling Moravian Memoirs: Ternary Sentiment Analysis in a Low Resource Setting}}, Author = { Patrick Brookshire and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature (LaTeCH-CLfL 2024)}}, Month = { March }, Year = { 2024 } } @inproceedings{ Burchardt2007aa, Title = {{A Semantic Approach to Textual Entailment: System Evaluation and Task Analysis}}, Author = { Aljoscha Burchardt and Nils Reiter and Stefan Thater and Anette Frank }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Third PASCAL Recognising Textual Entailment Challenge Workshop}}, Pages = { 10-15 }, Year = { 2007 } } @inproceedings{ Cremer2024aa, Title = {{DHd Chronicles}}, Author = { Fabian Cremer and Andre Blessing and Patrick Helling and Ulrike Henny-Krahmer and Kerstin Jung and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Book of Abstracts of DHd}}, Location = { Passau, Germany }, Month = { February }, Year = { 2024 } } @inproceedings{ Echelmeyer2017aa, Title = {{Ein PoS­-Tagger für „das” Mittelhochdeutsche}}, Address = { Bern, Switzerland }, Author = { Nora Echelmeyer and Nils Reiter and Sarah Schulz }, Booktitle = {{Book of Abstracts of DHd 2017}}, Month = { February }, Doi = { 10.18419/opus-9023 }, Year = { 2017 } } @article{ Ehrlicher2020, Title = {{Gattungspoetik in quantitativer Sicht. Das Werk Calderón de la Barcas und die zeitgenössischen Dramenpoetiken}}, Author = { Hanno Ehrlicher and Jörg Lehmann and Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand }, Journal = { LitLab Pamphlets }, Volume = { 9 }, Month = { April }, Year = { 2020 } } @article{ Ehrlicher2020aa, Title = {{La poética dramática desde una perspectiva cuantitativa: la obra de Calderón de la Barca}}, Author = { Hanno Ehrlicher and Jörg Lehmann and Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand }, Journal = { Revista de Humanidades Digitales }, Volume = { 5 }, Doi = { 10.5944/rhd.vol.5.2020.27716 }, Year = { 2020 } } @article{ Frank2012aa, Title = {{Semantic Annotation for the Digital Humanities}}, Author = { Anette Frank and Thomas Bögel and Oliver Hellwig and Nils Reiter }, Journal = { Linguistic Issues in Language Technology }, Volume = { 7 }, Number = { 1 }, Month = { January }, Year = { 2012 } } @inproceedings{ Gius2018aa, Title = {{SANTA: Systematische Analyse Narrativer Texte durch Annotation}}, Address = { Cologne, Germany }, Author = { Evelyn Gius and Nils Reiter and Jannik Strötgen and Marcus Willand }, Booktitle = {{Book of Abstracts of DHd 2018}}, Month = { February }, Year = { 2018 } } @periodicle{ Gius2019aa, Title = {{Cultural Analytics}}, Editor = { Evelyn Gius and Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand }, Issuetitle = {{A Shared Task for the Digital Humanities}}, Month = { November }, Year = { 2019 } } @article{ Gius2019ab, Title = {{A Shared Task for the Digital Humanities Chapter 2: Evaluating Annotation Guidelines}}, Author = { Evelyn Gius and Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand }, Issuetitle = {{A Shared Task for the Digital Humanities}}, Journal = { Cultural Analytics }, Month = { November }, Doi = { 10.22148/16.049 }, Year = { 2019 } } @periodicle{ Gius2021aa, Title = {{Cultural Analytics}}, Editor = { Evelyn Gius and Marcus Willand and Nils Reiter }, Issuetitle = {{Discussions of annotation guidelines for detecting narrative levels}}, Volume = { 6 }, Number = { 4 }, Month = { December }, Year = { 2021 } } @article{ Gius2021ab, Title = {{On Organizing a Shared Task for the Digital Humanities – Conclusions and Future Paths}}, Author = { Evelyn Gius and Marcus Willand and Nils Reiter }, Journal = { Cultural Analytics }, Volume = { 6 }, Number = { 4 }, Month = { December }, Doi = { 10.22148/001c.30697 }, Year = { 2021 } } @inproceedings{ Goeggelmann2022aa, Title = {{Auf den Spuren einer altnordischen Saga-Ästhetik: Poetologische Aussagen in den Erzählerbemerkungen der Isländersagas}}, Address = { Potsdam, Germany }, Author = { Michael Göggelmann and Anna Katharina Heiniger and Nils Reiter and Angelika Zirker }, Booktitle = {{Book of Abstracts of DHd}}, Month = { March }, Doi = { 10.5281/zenodo.6328007 }, Year = { 2022 } } @inproceedings{ Klinger2016aa, Title = {{Automatic Emotion Detection for Quantitative Literary Studies -- A case study based on Franz Kafka’s “Das Schloss” und “Amerika”}}, Address = { Kraków, Poland }, Author = { Roman Klinger and Surayya Samat Suliya and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts}}, Pages = { 826-828 }, Year = { 2016 } } @article{ Krautter2018aa, Title = {{Titelhelden und Protagonisten – Interpretierbare Figurenklassifikation in deutschsprachigen Dramen}}, Author = { Benjamin Krautter and Janis Pagel and Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand }, Journal = { LitLab Pamphlets }, Volume = { 7 }, Month = { November }, Year = { 2018 } } @article{ Krautter2020aa, Title = {{»[E]in Vater, dächte ich, ist doch immer ein Vater«. Figurentypen und ihre Operationalisierung}}, Author = { Benjamin Krautter and Janis Pagel and Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand }, Journal = { Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften }, Volume = { 5 }, Month = { December }, Doi = { 10.17175/2020_007 }, Year = { 2020 } } @incollection{ Krautter2022aa, Title = {{Properties of Dramatic Characters: Automatically Detecting Gender, Age, and Social Status}}, Address = { Berlin }, Author = { Benjamin Krautter and Janis Pagel and Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand }, Editor = { Anne-Sophie Bories and Petr Plecháč and Pablo Ruiz Fabo }, Booktitle = {{Computational Stylistics in Poetry, Prose, and Drama}}, Pages = { 179-202 }, Publisher = { De Gruyter }, Month = { December }, Doi = { 10.1515/9783110781502-010 }, Year = { 2022 } } @article{ Krautter2023aa, Title = {{Operationalisierung}}, Author = { Benjamin Krautter and Axel Pichler and Nils Reiter }, Journal = { Zeitschrift für Digitale Geisteswissenschaften }, Month = { May }, Doi = { 10.17175/wp_2023_010 }, Year = { 2023 } } @inproceedings{ Kuhn2015aa, Title = {{A Plea for a Method-Driven Agenda in the Digital Humanities}}, Address = { Sydney, Australia }, Author = { Jonas Kuhn and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Book of Abstracts of DH}}, Month = { June }, Year = { 2015 } } @inproceedings{ Kuhn2020aa, Title = {{Textanalyse mit kombinierten Methoden – ein konzeptioneller Rahmen für reflektierte Arbeitspraktiken}}, Author = { Jonas Kuhn and Axel Pichler and Nils Reiter and Gabriel Viehhauser }, Booktitle = {{Abstracts of DHd}}, Location = { Paderborn, Germany }, Month = { March }, Year = { 2020 } } @inproceedings{ Kuthy2018aa, Title = {{QUD-Based Annotation of Discourse Structure and Information Structure: Tool and Evaluation}}, Address = { Paris, France }, Author = { Kordula De Kuthy and Nils Reiter and Arndt Riester }, Editor = { Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference chair) and Khalid Choukri and Christopher Cieri and Thierry Declerck and Sara Goggi and Koiti Hasida and Hitoshi Isahara and Bente Maegaard and Joseph Mariani and Hélène Mazo and Asuncion Moreno and Jan Odijk and Stelios Piperidis and Takenobu Tokunaga }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)}}, Publisher = { European Language Resources Association (ELRA) }, Location = { Miyazaki, Japan }, Isbn = { 979-10-95546-00-9 }, Month = { May }, Year = { 2018 } } @article{ Murr2018aa, Title = {{Fontanes ›Force‹ und die Figurensprache in Effi Briest}}, Author = { Sandra Murr and Nils Reiter and Sarah Schulz and Tim Strohmayer }, Pages = { 135-142 }, Journal = { Fontane-Blätter }, Volume = { 106 }, Month = { December }, Year = { 2018 } } @inproceedings{ Pagel2018aa, Title = {{A Unified Annotation Workflow for Diverse Goals}}, Author = { Janis Pagel and Nils Reiter and Ina Rösiger and Sarah Schulz }, Editor = { Sandra Kübler and Heike Zinsmeister }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Workshop on Annotation in Digital Humanities, co-located with ESSLLI 2018}}, Location = { Sofia, Bulgaria }, Month = { August }, Year = { 2018 } } @inproceedings{ Pagel2020aa, Title = {{GerDraCor-Coref: A Coreference Corpus for Dramatic Texts in German}}, Author = { Janis Pagel and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC)}}, Location = { Marseille, France }, Url = { http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2020/pdf/2020.lrec-1.7.pdf }, Month = { May }, Year = { 2020 } } @incollection{ Pagel2020ab, Title = {{Annotation als flexibel einsetzbare Methode}}, Address = { Berlin }, Author = { Janis Pagel and Nils Reiter and Ina Rösiger and Sarah Schulz }, Editor = { Nils Reiter and Axel Pichler and Jonas Kuhn }, Booktitle = {{Reflektierte Algorithmische Textanalyse. Interdisziplinäre(s) Arbeiten in der CRETA-Werkstatt}}, Pages = { 125-142 }, Publisher = { De Gruyter }, Month = { July }, Doi = { 10.1515/9783110693973-006 }, Year = { 2020 } } @inproceedings{ Pagel2021aa, Title = {{DramaCoref: A Hybrid Coreference Resolution System for German Theater Plays}}, Author = { Janis Pagel and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference}}, Location = { Punta Cana, Dominican Republic }, Month = { November }, Doi = { 10.18653/v1/2021.crac-1.4 }, Year = { 2021 } } @inproceedings{ Pagel2021ab, Title = {{Predicting Structural Elements in German Drama}}, Author = { Janis Pagel and Nidhi Sihag and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computational Humanities Research}}, Month = { November }, Year = { 2021 } } @incollection{ Pagel2023aa, Title = {{On Designing Collaboration in a Mixed-Methods Scenario. Reflecting Quantitative Drama Analytics}}, Address = { Bielefeld, Germany }, Author = { Janis Pagel and Benjamin Krautter and Melanie Andresen and Marcus Willand and Nils Reiter }, Editor = { Birgit Schneider and Beater Löffler and Tino Mager and Carola Hein }, Booktitle = {{Mixing Methods: Practical Insights From the Humanities in the Digital Age}}, Pages = { 81-102 }, Doi = { 10.1515/9783839469132-010 }, Year = { 2023 } } @inproceedings{ Pagel2024aa, Title = {{Evaluating In-Context Learning for Computational Literary Studies: A Case Study Based on the Automatic Recognition of Knowledge Transfer in German Drama}}, Author = { Janis Pagel and Axel Pichler and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 8th Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature (LaTeCH-CLfL 2024)}}, Month = { March }, Year = { 2024 } } @article{ Pichler2021aa, Title = {{Zur Operationalisierung literaturwissenschaftlicher Begriffe in der algorithmischen Textanalyse. Eine Annäherung über Norbert Altenhofers hermeneutische Modellinterpretation von Kleists Das Erdbeben in Chili}}, Author = { Axel Pichler and Nils Reiter }, Pages = { 1-29 }, Journal = { Journal of Literary Theory }, Volume = { 15 }, Number = { 1-2 }, Month = { November }, Doi = { 10.1515/jlt-2021-2008 }, Year = { 2021 } } @article{ Pichler2022aa, Title = {{From Concepts to Texts and Back: Operationalization as a Core Activity of Digital Humanities}}, Author = { Axel Pichler and Nils Reiter }, Journal = { Journal of Cultural Analytics }, Volume = { 7 }, Number = { 4 }, Month = { December }, Doi = { 10.22148/001c.57195 }, Year = { 2022 } } @inproceedings{ Pichler2024aa, Title = {{»LLMs for everything?« Potentiale und Probleme der Anwendung von In-Context-Learning für die Computational Literary Studies}}, Author = { Axel Pichler and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Book of Abstracts of DHd}}, Location = { Passau, Germany }, Month = { February }, Year = { 2024 } } @inproceedings{ Reiter2008aa, Title = {{A resource-poor approach for linking ontology classes to wikipedia articles}}, Address = { London, UK }, Author = { Nils Reiter and Matthias Hartung and Anette Frank }, Editor = { Johan Bos and Rodolfo Delmonte }, Booktitle = {{Semantics in Text Processing: STEP 2008 Conference Proceedings}}, Pages = { 382-387 }, Volume = { 1 }, Publisher = { College Publications }, Series = { Research in Computational Semantics }, Year = { 2008 } } @inproceedings{ Reiter2008ab, Title = {{Lexical Enrichment of a Human Anatomy Ontology using WordNet}}, Author = { Nils Reiter and Paul Buitelaar }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Global WordNet Conference}}, Year = { 2008 } } @incollection{ Reiter2009aa, Title = {{Lexical Enrichment of Biomedical Ontologies}}, Address = { London, UK }, Author = { Nils Reiter and Paul Buitelaar }, Editor = { Violaine Prince and Mathieu Roche }, Booktitle = {{Information Retrieval in Biomedicine}}, Pages = { 124-141 }, Publisher = { IGI Global }, Year = { 2009 } } @inproceedings{ Reiter2010aa, Title = {{Identifying Generic Noun Phrases}}, Address = { Uppsala, Sweden }, Author = { Nils Reiter and Anette Frank }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}}, Pages = { 40-49 }, Publisher = { Association for Computational Linguistics }, Month = { July }, Year = { 2010 } } @inproceedings{ Reiter2010ab, Title = {{Using NLP Methods for the Analysis of Rituals}}, Address = { Valetta, Malta }, Author = { Nils Reiter and Oliver Hellwig and Anand Mishra and Anette Frank }, Editor = { Calzolari, Nicoletta and Choukri, Khalid and Maegaard, Bente and Mariani, Joseph and Odijk, Jan and Piperidis, Stelios and Rosner, Mike and Tapias, Daniel }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)}}, Publisher = { European Language Resources Association (ELRA) }, Month = { May }, Year = { 2010 } } @inproceedings{ Reiter2010ac, Title = {{Adapting Standard NLP Tools and Resources to the Processing of Ritual Descriptions}}, Address = { Lisbon, Portugal }, Author = { Nils Reiter and Oliver Hellwig and Anand Mishra and Irina Gossmann and Borayin Maitreya Larios and Julio Rodrigues and Britta Zeller and Anette Frank }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of ECAI 2010 workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH-2010)}}, Year = { 2010 } } @incollection{ Reiter2011aa, Title = {{Adapting NLP Tools and Frame-Semantic Resources for the Semantic Analysis of Ritual Descriptions}}, Address = { Berlin, Germany }, Author = { Nils Reiter and Oliver Hellwig and Anand Mishra and Irina Gossmann and Borayin Maitreya Larios and Julio Rodrigues and Britta Zeller and Anette Frank }, Editor = { Caroline Sporleder and Antal and van den Bosch and Kalliopi A. Zervanou }, Booktitle = {{Language Technology for Cultural Heritage: Selected Papers from the LaTeCH Workshop Series}}, Pages = { 171-193 }, Publisher = { Springer }, Year = { 2011 } } @article{ Reiter2014aa, Title = {{An NLP-based cross-document approach to narrative structure discovery}}, Author = { Nils Reiter and Anette Frank and Oliver Hellwig }, Pages = { 583-605 }, Journal = { Literary and Linguistic Computing }, Volume = { 29 }, Number = { 4 }, Doi = { 10.1093/llc/fqu055 }, Year = { 2014 } } @phdthesis{ Reiter2014ab, Title = {{Discovering Structural Similarities in Narrative Texts using Event Alignment Algorithms}}, Author = { Nils Reiter }, School = { Heidelberg University, Germany }, Month = { June }, Year = { 2014 } } @inproceedings{ Reiter2015aa, Title = {{Towards Annotating Narrative Segments}}, Address = { Beijing, China }, Author = { Nils Reiter }, Editor = { Kalliopi Zervanou and Marieke van Erp and Beatrice Alex }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 9th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities (LaTeCH)}}, Pages = { 34-38 }, Publisher = { Association for Computational Linguistics }, Month = { August }, Year = { 2015 } } @inproceedings{ Reiter2015ab, Title = {{Computerlinguistische Verfahren zur Aufdeckung struktureller Ähnlichkeiten in Narrativen}}, Author = { Nils Reiter and Anette Frank }, Booktitle = {{Book of Abstracts of DHd 2015}}, Location = { Graz, Austria }, Month = { February }, Year = { 2015 } } @book{ Reiter2016aa, Title = {{Proceedings of the 10th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities}}, Address = { Berlin, Germany }, Editor = { Nils Reiter and Beatrice Alex and Kalliopi A. Zervanou }, Publisher = { Association for Computational Linguistics }, Url = { http://anthology.aclweb.org/W16-2100 }, Month = { August }, Doi = { 10.18653/v1/W16-21 }, Year = { 2016 } } @inproceedings{ Reiter2017aa, Title = {{A Shared Task for a Shared Goal - Systematic Annotation of Literary Texts}}, Address = { Montreal, Canada }, Author = { Nils Reiter and Evelyn Gius and Jannik Strötgen and Marcus Willand }, Booktitle = {{Digital Humanities 2017: Conference Abstracts}}, Month = { August }, Year = { 2017 } } @inproceedings{ Reiter2017ab, Title = {{Teaching Computational Aspects in the Digital Humanities Program at University of Stuttgart – Intentions and Experiences}}, Address = { Berlin, Germany }, Author = { Nils Reiter and Sarah Schulz and Gerhard Kremer and Roman Klinger and Gabriel Viehhauser and Jonas Kuhn }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Workshop on Teaching NLP for Digital Humanities (Teach4DH 2017) co-located with GSCL 2017}}, Pages = { 43-48 }, Month = { September }, Year = { 2017 } } @inproceedings{ Reiter2017ac, Title = {{To GUI or not to GUI?}}, Address = { Chemnitz, Germany }, Author = { Nils Reiter and Jonas Kuhn and Marcus Willand }, Editor = { Maximilian Eibl and Martin Gaedke }, Booktitle = {{INFORMATIK 2017}}, Pages = { 1179-1184 }, Volume = { 275 }, Publisher = { Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. }, Series = { Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) }, Isbn = { 978-3-88579-669-5 }, Month = { September }, Doi = { 10.18420/in2017_119 }, Year = { 2017 } } @incollection{ Reiter2018aa, Title = {{What are they talking about? A Systematic Exploration of Theme Identification Methods for Character Speech in Dramatic Texts}}, Address = { Stuttgart }, Author = { Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand }, Editor = { Fotis Jannidis }, Booktitle = {{Digitale Literaturwissenschaft}}, Pages = { 473-508 }, Publisher = { J.B. Metzler }, Series = { Germanistische Symposien }, Month = { March }, Doi = { 10.1007/978-3-476-05886-7_20 }, Year = { 2023 } } @incollection{ Reiter2018ad, Title = {{Poetologischer Anspruch und dramatische Wirklichkeit: Indirekte Operationalisierung in der digitalen Dramenanalyse}}, Author = { Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand }, Editor = { Toni Bernhart and Marcus Willand and Sandra Richter and Andrea Albrecht }, Booktitle = {{Quantitative Ansätze in den Literatur- und Geisteswissenschaften: Systematische und historische Perspektiven}}, Pages = { 45–76 }, Publisher = { De Gruyter }, Month = { April }, Doi = { 10.1515/9783110523300-003 }, Year = { 2018 } } @inproceedings{ Reiter2018af, Title = {{Detecting Protagonists in German Plays around 1800 as a Classification Task}}, Author = { Nils Reiter and Benjamin Krautter and Janis Pagel and Marcus Willand }, Booktitle = {{Abstracts of EADH: Data in the Digital Humanities}}, Location = { Galway, Ireland }, Month = { December }, Doi = { 10.18419/opus-10162 }, Year = { 2018 } } @inproceedings{ Reiter2018ag, Title = {{CorefAnnotator - A New Annotation Tool for Entity References}}, Author = { Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Abstracts of EADH: Data in the Digital Humanities}}, Location = { Galway, Ireland }, Month = { December }, Doi = { 10.18419/opus-10144 }, Year = { 2018 } } @incollection{ Reiter2019aa, Title = {{Surveying Shakespeare’s Impact on German Drama: Taking a Computational Approach to an Epoch}}, Address = { Bethlehem, PA }, Author = { Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand }, Editor = { Michael Wood and Sandro Jung }, Booktitle = {{Anglo-German Dramatic and Poetic Cultures: New Perspectives on Exchange in the Sattelzeit}}, Pages = { 117-143 }, Publisher = { Lehigh University Press }, Year = { 2019 } } @article{ Reiter2019ab, Title = {{A Shared Task for the Digital Humanities Chapter 1: Introduction to Annotation, Narrative Levels and Shared Tasks}}, Author = { Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand and Evelyn Gius }, Issuetitle = {{A Shared Task for the Digital Humanities}}, Journal = { Cultural Analytics }, Month = { November }, Doi = { 10.22148/16.048 }, Year = { 2019 } } @book{ Reiter2020aa, Title = {{Reflektierte Algorithmische Textanalyse. Interdisziplinäre(s) Arbeiten in der CRETA-Werkstatt}}, Address = { Berlin }, Editor = { Nils Reiter and Axel Pichler and Jonas Kuhn }, Publisher = { De Gruyter }, Month = { July }, Doi = { 10.1515/9783110693973 }, Year = { 2020 } } @incollection{ Reiter2020ab, Title = {{Reflektierte Textanalyse}}, Address = { Berlin }, Author = { Axel Pichler and Nils Reiter }, Editor = { Nils Reiter and Axel Pichler and Jonas Kuhn }, Booktitle = {{Reflektierte Algorithmische Textanalyse. Interdisziplinäre(s) Arbeiten in der CRETA-Werkstatt}}, Pages = { 43-60 }, Publisher = { De Gruyter }, Month = { July }, Doi = { 10.1515/9783110693973-003 }, Year = { 2020 } } @incollection{ Reiter2020ac, Title = {{Anleitung zur Erstellung von Annotationsrichtlinien}}, Address = { Berlin }, Author = { Nils Reiter }, Editor = { Nils Reiter and Axel Pichler and Jonas Kuhn }, Booktitle = {{Reflektierte Algorithmische Textanalyse. Interdisziplinäre(s) Arbeiten in der CRETA-Werkstatt}}, Pages = { 193-202 }, Publisher = { De Gruyter }, Month = { July }, Doi = { 10.1515/9783110693973-009 }, Year = { 2020 } } @incollection{ Reiter2020ad, Title = {{Reaching out: Interdisziplinäre Kommunikation und Dissemination}}, Address = { Berlin }, Author = { Nils Reiter and Gerhard Kremer and Kerstin Jung and Benjamin Krautter and Janis Pagel and Axel Pichler }, Editor = { Nils Reiter and Axel Pichler and Jonas Kuhn }, Booktitle = {{Reflektierte Algorithmische Textanalyse. Interdisziplinäre(s) Arbeiten in der CRETA-Werkstatt}}, Pages = { 467-484 }, Publisher = { De Gruyter }, Doi = { 10.1515/9783110693973-019 }, Year = { 2020 } } @incollection{ Reiter2020ae, Title = {{Algorithmische Mikrolektüren philosophischer Texte}}, Address = { Berlin }, Author = { Axel Pichler and André Blessing and Nils Reiter and Mirco Schönfeld }, Editor = { Nils Reiter and Axel Pichler and Jonas Kuhn }, Booktitle = {{Reflektierte Algorithmische Textanalyse. Interdisziplinäre(s) Arbeiten in der CRETA-Werkstatt}}, Pages = { 327-372 }, Publisher = { De Gruyter }, Doi = { 10.1515/9783110693973-014 }, Year = { 2020 } } @incollection{ Reiter2020ag, Title = {{Die Erstellung von Annotationsrichtlinien als Community-Aufgabe für die Digitalen Geisteswissenschaften}}, Address = { Berlin }, Author = { Nils Reiter and Marcus Willand and Evelyn Gius }, Editor = { Julia Nantke and Frederik Schlupkothen }, Booktitle = {{Annotations in Scholarly Editions and Research}}, Pages = { 325-350 }, Publisher = { De Gruyter }, Month = { October }, Doi = { 10.1515/9783110689112-015 }, Year = { 2020 } } @article{ Reiter2021aa, Title = {{Möglichkeiten Quantitativer Dramenanalyse}}, Author = { Nils Reiter }, Journal = { Comparatio. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft }, Volume = { 12 }, Number = { 2 }, Year = { 2021 } } @inproceedings{ Reiter2022aa, Title = {{Exploring Text Recombination for Automatic Narrative Level Detection}}, Author = { Nils Reiter and Judith Sieker and Svenja Guhr and Evelyn Gius and Sina Zarrieß }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022)}}, Pages = { 3346-3353 }, Location = { Marseille, France }, Month = { June }, Year = { 2022 } } @techreport{ Reiter2022ab, Title = {{Messverfahren zum Inter-annotator-agreement (IAA): Eine Übersicht}}, Author = { Nils Reiter and Leonard Konle }, Volume = { 12 }, Institution = { DARIAH-DE Working Papers }, Doi = { 10.47952/gro-publ-103 }, Year = { 2022 } } @inproceedings{ Roesiger2018aa, Title = {{Towards Coreference for Literary Text: Analyzing Domain-Specific Phenomena}}, Author = { Ina Rösiger and Sarah Schulz and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Second Joint SIGHUM Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature}}, Pages = { 129-138 }, Location = { Santa Fe, New Mexico }, Url = { http://aclweb.org/anthology/W18-4515 }, Month = { August }, Year = { 2018 } } @inproceedings{ Schulz2016aa, Title = {{Authorship Attribution of Mediaeval German Text: Style and Contents in Apollonius von Tyrland}}, Address = { Kraków, Poland }, Author = { Sarah Schulz and Jonas Kuhn and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts}}, Pages = { 883-885 }, Year = { 2016 } } @article{ Siewert2018aa, Title = {{The Explorative Value of Computational Methods: Rereading the American Short Story}}, Author = { Stephanie Siewert and Nils Reiter }, Editor = { Alexander Dunst and Dennis Mischke }, Issuetitle = {{Digital Scholarship in American Studies}}, Pages = { 199-230 }, Journal = { American Studies }, Volume = { 63 }, Number = { 2 }, Url = { https://amst.winter-verlag.de/article/AMST/2018/2/8 }, Month = { December }, Year = { 2018 } } @preprint{ Smith2023aa, Title = {{Automatic detection of problem-gambling signs from online texts using large language models}}, Author = { Elke Smith and Nils Reiter and Jan Peters }, Month = { November }, Doi = { 10.48550/arXiv.2312.00804 }, Year = { 2023 } } @article{ Smith2023ab, Title = {{Large‑Scale Web Scraping for Problem Gambling Research: A Case Study of COVID‑19 Lockdown Effects in Germany}}, Author = { Elke Smith and Simon Michalski and Kilian H. K. Knauth and Kai Kaspar and Nils Reiter and Jan Peters }, Journal = { Journal of Gambling Studies }, Month = { January }, Doi = { 10.1007/s10899-023-10187-1 }, Year = { 2023 } } @inproceedings{ Trilcke2020aa, Title = {{Opening the Stage -- A Quantitative Look at Stage Directions in German Drama}}, Address = { Ottawa, Canada }, Author = { Peer Trilcke and Christopher Kittel and Nils Reiter and Daria Maximova and Frank Fischer }, Booktitle = {{Digital Humanities 2020}}, Pages = { 883-885 }, Year = { 2020 } } @inproceedings{ Wiedmer2020aa, Title = {{Romeo, Freund des Mercutio: Semi-Automatische Extraktion von Beziehungen zwischen dramatischen Figuren}}, Author = { Nathalie Wiedmer and Janis Pagel and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Abstracts of DHd}}, Location = { Paderborn, Germany }, Month = { March }, Year = { 2020 } } @incollection{ Willand2017aa, Title = {{Geschlecht und Gattung. Digitale Analysen von Kleists ›Familie Schroffenstein‹}}, Address = { Stuttgart, Germany }, Author = { Marcus Willand and Nils Reiter }, Editor = { Andrea Allerkamp and Günter Blamberger and Ingo Breuer and Barbara Gribnitz and Hannah Lotte Lund and Martin Roussel }, Booktitle = {{Kleist-Jahrbuch 2017}}, Pages = { 142-160 }, Publisher = { J.B. Metzler }, Series = { Kleist-Jahrbuch }, Month = { September }, Doi = { 10.1007/978-3-476-04516-4_16 }, Year = { 2017 } } @inproceedings{ Willand2018aa, Title = {{Reading Data: On Digital Reception Studies}}, Author = { Marcus Willand and Jens Beck and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Abstracts of EADH: Data in the Digital Humanities}}, Location = { Galway, Ireland }, Month = { December }, Doi = { 10.18419/opus-10161 }, Year = { 2018 } } @inproceedings{ Willand2019aa, Title = {{Ein neues Format für die Digital Humanities: Shared Tasks. Zur Annotation narrativer Ebenen}}, Author = { Marcus Willand and Evelyn Gius and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Abstracts of DHd: multimedial und multimodal}}, Location = { Frankfurt, Germany }, Month = { March }, Year = { 2019 } } @article{ Willand2019ab, Title = {{A Shared Task for the Digital Humanities Chapter 3: Description of Submitted Guidelines and Final Evaluation Results}}, Author = { Marcus Willand and Evelyn Gius and Nils Reiter }, Issuetitle = {{A Shared Task for the Digital Humanities}}, Journal = { Cultural Analytics }, Month = { November }, Doi = { 10.22148/16.050 }, Year = { 2019 } } @inproceedings{ Willand2020aa, Title = {{Passive Präsenz tragischer Hauptfiguren im Drama}}, Author = { Marcus Willand and Benjamin Krautter and Janis Pagel and Nils Reiter }, Booktitle = {{Abstracts of DHd}}, Location = { Paderborn, Germany }, Month = { March }, Year = { 2020 } } @inproceedings{ Zehe2021, Title = {{Detecting Scenes in Fiction: A new Segmentation Task}}, Author = { Albin Zehe and Leonard Konle and Lea Dümpelmann and Evelyn Gius and Andreas Hotho and Fotis Jannidis and Lucas Kaufmann and Markus Krug and Frank Puppe and Nils Reiter and Annekea Schreiber and Nathalie Wiedmer }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume}}, Pages = { 3167-3177 }, Publisher = { Association for Computational Linguistics }, Month = { April }, Doi = { 10.18653/v1/2021.eacl-main.276 }, Year = { 2021 } } @inproceedings{ Zehe2021ab, Title = {{Shared Task on Scene Segmentation@KONVENS 2021}}, Author = { Albin Zehe and Leonard Konle and Svenja Guhr and Lea Dümpelmann and Evelyn Gius and Andreas Hotho and Fotis Jannidis and Lucas Kaufmann and Markus Krug and Frank Puppe and Nils Reiter and Annekea Schreiber }, Booktitle = {{Proceedings of the Shared Task on Scene Segmentation}}, Month = { September }, Year = { 2021 } }