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Publications from 2021

Evelyn Gius, Marcus Willand, Nils Reiter. On Organizing a Shared Task for the Digital Humanities – Conclusions and Future Paths. Cultural Analytics, 6(4), 2021.


Evelyn Gius, Marcus Willand, Nils Reiter (eds.). Discussions of annotation guidelines for detecting narrative levels. Special issue of Cultural Analytics, 6(4), December 2021.


Axel Pichler, Nils Reiter. Zur Operationalisierung literaturwissenschaftlicher Begriffe in der algorithmischen Textanalyse. Eine Annäherung über Norbert Altenhofers hermeneutische Modellinterpretation von Kleists Das Erdbeben in Chili. Journal of Literary Theory, 15(1-2), pp. 1-29, 2021.


Janis Pagel, Nidhi Sihag, Nils Reiter. Predicting Structural Elements in German Drama. In Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computational Humanities Research, November 2021.


Janis Pagel, Nils Reiter. DramaCoref: A Hybrid Coreference Resolution System for German Theater Plays. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference, November 2021.


Albin Zehe, Leonard Konle, Svenja Guhr, Lea Dümpelmann, Evelyn Gius, Andreas Hotho, Fotis Jannidis, Lucas Kaufmann, Markus Krug, Frank Puppe, Nils Reiter, Annekea Schreiber. Shared Task on Scene Segmentation@KONVENS 2021. In Proceedings of the Shared Task on Scene Segmentation, September 2021.


Albin Zehe, Leonard Konle, Lea Dümpelmann, Evelyn Gius, Andreas Hotho, Fotis Jannidis, Lucas Kaufmann, Markus Krug, Frank Puppe, Nils Reiter, Annekea Schreiber, Nathalie Wiedmer. Detecting Scenes in Fiction: A new Segmentation Task. In Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume, April 2021.


Nils Reiter. Möglichkeiten Quantitativer Dramenanalyse. Comparatio. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, 12(2), 2021.
